Tinnitus and the Role of Vitamins and Minerals

The latest research has linked a number of tinnitus cases to a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals. Such discovery has encouraged further research and studies in efforts to discover the results if vitamins and/or minerals are brought back to ideal levels, and those results were amazing.

Several studies revealed that tinnitus has found a likely remedy in vitamins and minerals. This is because they offer relief and even totally stop the noise, in some instances.


Vitamin B seems to be the primary vitamin that is lacking among many tinnitus sufferers. You can click here to jump to the main page.


This vitamin plays a major role in the maintenance of our overall health, which includes muscle strength and the proper functioning of various organs. When individuals lack an adequate supply of vitamin B, their bodies need to work overtime just to stay healthy. It likewise influences our central nervous system, which is often associated to tinnitus. Several tinnitus patients were relieved of the ringing after they were told to take vitamin B in the right doses because it helped lessen the pressure on their ears.


One mineral that can greatly help in treating tinnitus is Zinc.


Just like vitamin B, many of those who were diagnosed with tinnitus are deficient in zinc. Records of a previous study revealed that by restoring zinc to its proper levels, the tinnitus symptoms are reduced among patients, especially the ones diagnosed with zinc deficiency. There are two ways for taking this mineral - through the food we eat or by taking food supplements. Care should be observed though when taking this mineral because an over dosage could produce adverse reactions. It is therefore necessary to always consult some good materials where tinnitus remedies like these are discussed to find out more regarding its potentials as a tinnitus remedy. Learn about objective tinnitus at http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1655875/objective-tinnitus.


Another highly recommended mineral is magnesium.


It has been discovered that deficiency of magnesium in the inner ear fluid is a common cause of damage to the inner ear. And because tinnitus is most of the time caused by or linked to such damage, magnesium has been among the most effective possible remedies for this disorder. According to a scientific report, it has been proven that the ringing in the ear completely stopped after the magnesium levels had been raised!


But, once the levels of magnesium again go down, the problem resurfaces. Therefore, the recommended daily dosage of magnesium for tinnitus sufferers is about 1,000 to 1,500 mg. to relieve the ringing or even stop it, as long as the magnesium levels are preserved as happened in some instances.


While these vitamins and minerals are likely tinnitus remedies, you need to take them in exact doses and with prior approval or recommendation of your physician. As long as they are taken properly, these promising remedies do not pose any danger and simply promote improved physical well being.


Want to learn what causes tinnitus? Read on by following the link.